Wednesday, May 27, 2009


trying out bigger pictures on my posts... how do we feel about this change to my boring blog? aren't mike and paige looking good?


  1. um, me personally...even though they are beautiful pics, I like smaller ones...especially if you have a lot of posts on your home blog page...the scroll might get lengthy.

    beautiful, though. just beautiful.

  2. i love the bigger pictures! i post them large on mine too. in answer to your question we use a canon 40D, with just a standard zoom lens. klane wants to get some new lenses but you know how expensive that can be! I am jealous of your 5D! And also I want your lens. That's all.

  3. I think the bigger your pictures the better Kylie. They're all amazing!

  4. i think i ike them smaller too, it is less overwhelming.. love you girlie

  5. you are amazing at what you do girlfriend! i'm so sad i didnt visit you in ca! i totally forgot! but hey, fathers day weekend i will be there again i think...we must reunite. for my own sanity. you are great!
